Educational Frameworks Services
Educational Evaluation

The purpose of an Educational Evaluation is to gather cognitive, academic and behavioral information to determine an individual’s strengths and areas of vulnerability as it pertains to learning.
The most common scales used to assess cognitive skills are the Wechsler Intelligence Scales and the Woodcock Johnson Tests. There are multiple measures used to assess achievement/academic functioning. Gathering affective information is also important in this process and often includes student, parents and teacher feedback regarding attention, anxiety and executive functioning.
Educational Frameworks Evaluations include:
- An intake session
- Four to six hours of one-on-one evaluation time
- Analysis and synthesis of results in a written report (includes recommendations and accommodations)
- A formal consultation to explain results and next steps

“Mead has been a fabulous resource for us over the last four years. From evaluating our son to providing educational resources and clear instructions for educators to reevaluating him for standardized testing and college accommodations. Her work has helped to empower our son to advocate and differentiate for himself. She is a professional that you want in your corner when looking for answers and support with learning.”
Kim, Priory Parent